Downhill Abbey, erm, Downton Abbey season four is done. Put out of its (our) misery, mercifully. I exaggerate. But for such critical acclaim, superlative casting and lofty ideals, I'd hoped for more than a low budget soap opera. And not low. Highclere, top billed actors, period authentic costumes, props, vehicles--steep price tag.
Thomas (I refuse to call him Barrows) had chutzpah, but is now just an oily creep in whose tea you'd like to put generous doses of Ex-Lax. Lady Grantham is brain dead. We'll probably find she's a laudanum addict. Or was eaten by zombies in season three. Her eyes scare me
Maggie Smith is going strong, but how long can one fading duchess keep up CPR on the show? Isn't she like 900 by now? Read on Downton Abbey Mostly Downhill Abbey, with a Few Exceptions